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3D Models




     Company 05 was a college project to make a game trailer in a months time. All 3D assets have been made by me and were textured by me as well as for the story Company 05 is one of many Companies aboard the space station known as H.0.M.3, Company 05 also know as the Security Company is in charge of securing, defending and investigation of missing people. Down in the lower parts of the station is where the engineering company resides known as Company 04 that has gone missing and Company 05 has been sent down to investigate.


     Open State is a game trailer I have been working on and is currently a work in progress. The video above is a misty OS (Open State Logo) half submerged in water I made the animation in Adobe Photoshop using video timeline.

     The Story of this game involves the worlds water level rising to dangerous levels over the years and has submerged most of the worlds land masses into the water. In 2120 it was discovered that the water would rise causing probable disaster and because of that in 2202 the government contracted out various companies the challenge of building 6 underwater domes big enough to give a safe place for future generations and a means of escape in case of 
dome malfunctions, fires or any other danger that would be a possibility to insure the safety of those who would be living in them.

    Aqua Imperium (Water Power in Latin) was the first to come up with fully tested watertight domes underwater and completed blueprints for the construction phase. As the years progressed the government gave billions to fund the project and finally in 2298 the domes were finally built. For the longest time the domes were left in an open state and was open to any and all that wanted entrance. People from all over heard of this safe place and traveled to the dome surface elevator. In 2300 the domes have reached there limit and the surface elevator was shut down to avoid overpopulation.

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